Its really joyful that our love one that are fighting for a sick or in a trials that they need to fight or they need to cross it and survive in order to live again and keep strong. Last time a told you that my nephew that was born with the condition of gastroschisis or born that the intestinal organ such as intestines are outside of the body, was waiting for his next operation to be fully put his organ inside and get well.
But today my nephew is now getting better he was take home now and having a rest to complete his body strong and well. The doctor did not stitch my nephew's abdomen instead they put a plastic which will cover the hole and sooner the muscle will stick at the plastic and it will be the artificial skin that covers the intestine. But after 6 years the young baby will be in hospital and again and will continue and remove the covered plastic in the skin and also remove the kiloid to prevent the hernia of the young boy.
This picture shown when he was given birth. His first day at world. His intestine are not yet covered with colostomy bag.
And this is the second day when his first operation was done.But today he's geeting well now we cant see anymore the big intestine that we have seen on the pictures above.
And now this pictures shows that the organs were inside now of the baby's body. Covering with gauze and waiting to heal.
For now he can smile and sleep well and waiting for the time to get strong..
community health..
child abuse.. young employment
beggars in the street..
housing problems...These are the things that causes the lost of trust of people in the government.! Why cant they solve this yet they have time politicing around and advertising them selves (specially during the upcoming election)? Is politics really important?When will we ever find the best politician that can solve the problem in this country!? ( Photos by other blogger )
Childrens are the most important thing in this world i think. They are the gift from God that gave to every parents. They give us joy and they give us fun. They also ad some big space in our heart. Even they cant shout,children have also the great potential to be a perfect nationalist of a state someday. But there's still some problem that children got really involve. Even they don't have enough mind , most of the bad faces of humans choose children for their own self. They use to give their wanted in their life even its not really good and not really right.
Almost everyday the number of child that we're being abuse become larger and larger. Lots of cases we're being reported. And there are many kind of child abusing.
Some of them are being used by their parents for livings. At their young age they learn to take a job for their family needs wich is wrong for their young age . This photo by show the example of of young children that are working to support their needs in their everyday livings. They collecting plastics and other things that can be sell and recycle again to junkshop. At their looks we can see how hard the things that they we're doing in that kind of jobs wich the parents should be the responsible for their kids.
The government are trying to solve some kinds of abuses , but they never seen this king of things that was needing of more importance for the children in our country. This two kids should be studying and not working, but they dont have a choice . They want to continue their livings so they rather choose to work than to enter the school. This children are also child slave labor.
Base on the registry of Child Protection 30,000 of children were just being reported the other case were just keeping in their self. They don' shout, and they don't fight for their rights. One child was being died every week because of abusing.Even we have a Child Protection Law. They cant take all the responsibilities of all the children that where being abuse.
Lets see the other kind of abuse.. There are 4 kinds of child abuse besides from the article we written at the above. We have the Neglect,Physical,Emotional and Sexual wich is second to the highest case of abusing. And almost of the sufferer knows the abuser but they choose to keep their mouth shout. And its sad to know that it could be a friend the other people or the own family. One out of ten in children where suffer from sexual abused during child hood time. There are some thing that might indicate of a child that was being abused. One of these is Medical Problem such as Venereal diseases . Extreme reaction or being shocked. Then it can cause to suicide attempt if no body can understand it. Or she cant share it to others and just keep it hidden to her self.
The paragraph that we tacle at the above is a kind of a Neglect Abuse wich the children where suffering constant hunger thats why they need to use their self to feed themselves . Poor sites of clothing and the body was under to malnoutrition even their parents can afford to feed and give them rights at all. And for those children who's suffering from sudden speach disorders and continual self-depreciation and over reaction to mistakes are the main symptoms and causes of being Mentally Abuse. Children are can be th subject of different kinds of abuse, even they dont have a sign becuase they keep in everyone so they'll not know it. And hard for the others to know and to stop it.
From this case we must learn how to stop it so no more lives will lost..
(photo by
One of the most hardest case that the government want to control. One of the most biggest thing in the world we want to destroy. Abuse is kind of treatment or doing something that is out of rights for human or even to animals and things.
There's a lot of things that abuse is presented. But mostly it was happening to children and to women. Human rights are not giving attention if someone is abusing or doing something that can harm to others. And we don't know how to prevent it and we also do not know if when is it going to happen.
Abusing can make on people to lost trust to others and faith. Sometimes it also affect their image and humanity. They also choose to stop from their living and get suicide. Because nobody understand what they feel and what they want to shout. Until they lost their self and become looser. At the present this kind of cases was giving more importance because rights are being fight for it.
This is a true story, when i became a waiter into a bar. Roxane is a 19 years old as of now. She is a very beautiful lady, at the age of 15 she gave birth to her first baby boy. But her son don't have a father. She was a product of abuse, the boy is 4 years old of now but it was away from Roxane. Her son was taking care of her mother in their province. In her self he cant accept her son as her child. She was raped in their place, and she think that the law never think of her. For now she's working as a GRO in the bar that I've left. She still feel the pain every time she thinks of the things that happen to her. She's always asking her self on why she need to suffered from that kind of treatment. He met a lots of people a lots of guy but she did'nt trust any body.
From this case moral support of friends and family is very important to relieve the pain inside of the victim. Because it creates a big role to keep the victim to fight and keep the lives where she or he now. From this help the victim will learn and never get afraid and put back again the trust that lost from the situation.
Being a human we must know our rights as a member of this society. We are all equal and no body should be treated like a animal that being haunt by a hunter . And then all of us must be aware to prevent the growing of abuse cases in the country. Government should be the responsible, because they are the one who will make a decision to make the criminal will stop from doing that..
(photo by
Technology is the main product of growing nation today. They discover a lot of things that help to improve our youth. They developed how to use computer for our communications and writings. Today I'm going to make a simple paragraph on how a young writer help the others to expand their personality and the world.
Dr. Jose Rizal was express him self by writing a book. One pen and paper make him change the goal and aim of the Filipinos who believe in him. And then he succeed in what he wanna do. Filipinos discover what's the really mean of OWN COUNTRY. He never fight the soldier, he never holds gun to shoot the enemy. But he is brave to face and to fight for our freedom. He write and write until we realized how it help us to create our own very good nation. Even he was killed and defeated by the soldier. Even he is died. He still alive until in the presence of the time. He leave a helpful tips to explore our selves . By means of writing he thought us and let us to believe in our self. (photo by
But in our modern time. We never need more to have pen and paper to write, we dont need more to wait for a lots of time to express the things. All we need is a wide mind smart thinkings and imagination. By means of computer we can now write all the things we learned all the things we think, all the things we observed, by means of writing we can speak all the things we want. Not that all at the young age many people now knows how to write. Young writer express no their words and it easily to grant. Its easy to explode. In the internet that we are using now lots of reason to be talkative, :) how does it help? From being kid to youth their mind where being developed from the words and the things that they observe on how happy how sad is the world. Untill one day they'll learn to express it.
It's really thankful from the time we are experiencing now. We do learn a lot and we really developed our self at a very easy way. Through the use of the computer now we can do all we want, and all the things we wish to do. Young people today are very lucky. They don't need anymore to have a backer or a high class of people to tell the world what they feel. As i said it's made so easy. From now, youth who got talent in communicating with other got a better and and faster ways for expressions. the young mind was simply applied to covert them into intelligence way to write. The young people who trained very well to communicates , help now and working now for others to take advantage from their up coming future.
So we must better give an attention for the young writer who's trying to explore their self. Young doesnt really know how to lie. They only know how to say the things that they seen.
They said that the youth are the key for the success of the community! We better take care of them train and teach them well to use them in our nnation... :)
(photos by:
I love looking at the sky every night. I love waiting for a shooting star or a falling star to drop from the sky. Its relaxing if you seen it into your eyes. But i think a situation , and every time i thinks of it. I cant stop my self to get worried and scared. And who we think will not get afraid if we see and feel that our country and our economy are falling down? Will it still relaxing if these so? Maybe its impossible for you when you are reading this. But in this day, our country are slowly down and down until maybe once we awake in the morning all we can see is a very poor country. And this time its really possible to have a Falling Country in the sky.
From the past issue here in Philippines our country reach the highest rate of corruption and political problem. Many leaders who hold us but we can notice that nobody did right to put the country into high pointer stage of economy. Instead absurdity were never defeated by democracy. There's a lot of eyes of corruption that never help to improve our falling country, not only one not twice and not only trice. Lots of people are trying to down our economy by their means. By their wrong power to rule us, and continuing from what they are doing and what they want to be. Can we imagine this? The things are getting more expensive and we dont know wheres the VAT that they use goes?
Election is getting nearer and nearer. Did we choose the right one? Political problems for me is the number one source of falling economy. Why? Who's the one who made a promises that we wish him to do? Did they grant it? Did we across into poorness? Do they solve the economy problem that we are facing right now? I believe that our nation is not poor, we only says that it is poor, because we dont have good leader (bato bato sa langit tamaan wag magagalit?) to be follow, we dont have good father/mother to take care of us. Maybe this is wrong the words i say, as a young economer I dont have rights to speak this words. Im not studying im just 18. And by this means I want them to hear what am i just seeing,what am i just observing. Poor country.
Terrorism another problem that never solve , even it's not easy to resolve there,s still a lot of ways to prevent it from growing. Not the rich people seems to be affected, not the big names of people. Instead the small one, the people who suffer from falling economy of the country. And the possible effects of this are, education become lower range in the society, less jobs for the laborer and high price of first thing needed. Poor economy, mirror of poorness in human. All of us are sleeping, do we want to awake in a country that under into a rich one? Are we going to jail our self in our own home? Think!
Some people choose to export their self and live in away from their place. They are trying to escape on the life that they never wish to come back again. Filipinos are very intelligent, we are smart. But we choose to hide our ability to expand our learning and share to others. Some of us choose to TEACH other country than to our own. Reason? They are good listener. And they are free to say what they want to speak that they think can possibly help to grow them brainy. And what can be the affects of it? We're helping other nation to make their home wider and larger. Some country gives importance for those who want to be one of them, coz they think that all humans are usable, they never think of low brain,instead they think on how can they make it intelligent.
But here in the the Philippines the low IQ person are out of the nation. They rather to put it into sea and become a fisher man even he is a educated man. Just my sense. I just them to realized. Why i ask them to think!
Feel free to read this I just want to share something..
(Photo by
Building a community is a very hard things to do for the people who's trying make their nation a better one. And not only one should be the ruler to make it easier to do. Everyone must be a good follower and listener for them to catch their dream community of good nation. But the question must be, How does family affect community and how can it help for building a good one?
Lot and lots of things to be consider on how family affect a community. From a group of family to community cycle goes. And the ruler or the leader must give us some importance to help them in their acts to be a usable and considered member. As i said family has a big role in this kind of talkings.
A community start in a small group of people or what we called family. As a description the father and a mother should be the ruler and their child must be the listener and the member. If a father or a leader is a good ruler his family will get a peaceful group and they can promote the goodness to other and be a better model for everyone. These is where a good community affects by a family. And if a leader isn't good to his family he cant be a good leader to a community. Every rule and every word must be a good thing to everyone who trust and hold their speaks.
As we seen in other place or country they give a lots of importance to family because they know how it helps a lot for a better nation and good follower for them. One best example for me is the USA where their leader or their president ( Barack Obama) face as mirror of a good father to his family, that's his secrets why his country follow his words and they also know how it can help to everyone.
And if these so the community that built up will be a good model not only for the nation that everyone they want to have a good family, but also this will be a good model and we'll not be ashamed to tell the world how good is the group or the family to where you belong..
So if we want to stay a good one group we must love our family that never lost space in our hearts..
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